SOOO as I am typing right now, I’m blazed. I’m a kite and possibly a rocket that landed on the moon and I took the first leap into discovery. Yes. That’s how, “up” there I am.
ASIDE from that fact (I am still very coherent and able to process what is going on…just a little slow with the movement), I wanna talk to you about the title previously stated above… watching your friends drunk, high, or both. Yes! Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes it’s scary. Sometimes it’s “tempting.”Sometimes it’s just plain weird. I have experienced all four. Not that it’s my first time experiencing all four at the same time mind you, I just wanted to finally get it on paper. Alright! Let’s do this shizz. Oh and I’m a speaking about the point of view of the person still able to process the current situation in a party. Well okay, a buzzed and blazed spectator if you will. Enjoy.
For FUN, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Watching them stumble around, making an ass out of themselves is due for laughs on it’s own. They can be the passed out on the ground with drawings of genitalia on their face. Or they can just be funniest thing in the whole world. That kind of fun. They may be the people who cut loose or slump down to chill mode. Either way, you are enjoying it. No matter how “gone” they are, you can’t help but spread the joy.
Okay, being SCARY is really frightening. If you are still able to understand what is going on during a party and your friend is doing something ridiculously dangerous to their health or another’s, that’s where I draw the line. Do everything in your power to keep this person from doing anything harmful. After all, this is supposed to be moment in your life that it’s all about previously stated above, FUN. Not fear. Look after you friends! Don’t be a douche.
Ahh finally, the TEMPTING part of this talk…I think you all know what I mean. This mainly applies to the female friends of the viewer. There’s always that one girl at a party that cannot handle the alchohol or weed or both. They lurch like a zombie looking for flesh. Walk over to you (if you're sitting, they will sit on your lap/leg). Say “heeyyyy”. Maybe give you a kiss on the cheek or forehead. Get all touchy feely. Say that they are drunk or wasted. Make you feel like you’re special. Yeahhh Very tempting, am I right? For me honestly, it is and it’s not. You don’t wanna be that “friend” who takes advantage. This kind of fits in to the scary category as well. You don’t want your friend to be on every guys jock, even yours. Even if it is, rather tempting..Don’t do it! You’ll regret it. T_____T It’s common sense. It’s also afelony.
Plain weird….Dude I’m not even gonna write it down. I’m tired. You know you’re friend is doing something weird blah blah naked blah garden hose blah blah ping pong ball. Sorry, I’m just really high. Getting tired now..
Okay well I hope you enjoyed that and I will just go play some Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Xbox now while I eat some freakin dried mangos. Fuck yeahhhhh.
Oh and I might come back to this and write the rest down…Maybe.